Tokyo is the capital of Japan. Many important institutions are concentrated as Japan’s central. There are political facilities such as The National Diet Building, each public office and embassies. And there are economic facilities such as the Bank of Japan and the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
In addition, there are various museums, galleries, department stores and shopping malls. Tourists who come from all over the world always visit Ginza, Roppongi, Akihabara, Asakusa, Shinjuku, Shibuya and other places. Japanese traditional culture such as Kabuki and sumo, and the latest culture such as animation and comics have always been outgoing from Tokyo.
by blogger
东京都是日本的首都。做为日本的中枢, 这里密集着许多重要部门。如国会议事堂、各行政机关、各国大使馆等政治部门。还有如日本银行、东京证券交易所等经济部门。
另外, 还有各种博物馆、美术馆、百货商店、购物中心等等。银座、六本木、秋叶原、浅草、新宿、涩谷等地方是世界各国游客必访之所。东京是以歌舞伎、相扑等为代表的传统文化,和以动画、漫画等新型文化的发信地。