Lupin the Third is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Monkey Punch. The protagonist, Lupin III is the grandson of Arsène Lupin created by French writer Maurice Leblanc. He is considered the world’s greatest thief.
Lupin III has three reliable companions, Daisuke Jigen, Goemon Ishikawa and Fujiko Mine. Daisuke Jigen is an expert marksman. Goemon Ishikawa is a master swordsman whose sword can cut anything. Fujiko Mine is a female thief. Lupin’s gang are constantly chased by Inspector Zenigata of the ICPO, who has made it his life’s work to arrest them.
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《鲁邦三世》是日本漫画家Monkey Punch的漫画作品和动漫系列。主人公的鲁邦三世是怪盗绅士亚森·罗宾(法国作家莫理斯·卢布朗笔下的一个侠盗)一族第三代继承人,精通艺术性的盗窃技巧。