Most Japanese people enjoy several year-end parties with friends, colleagues and members of various social groups during December. The purpose of the parties is to forget all about the bad memories from the previous twelve months and to say goodbye to the passing year. These parties are usually held in pubs and restaurants. People have a good time eating, drinking and sometimes singing karaoke. A year-end party is considered a significant opportunity to build up a sense of fellowship and unity within the group.
by blogger
忘年会[1]是为了 [2]把一年来工作上辛苦劳累 [3]的事付之东流[4]的宴会。单位、公司的同事、朋友、亲戚[5]们聚在一堂喝酒、唱歌,欢乐一番[6],有送旧迎新[7]的气氛。是日本十二月不可缺少[8]的欢乐聚会。
1 忘年会 wàngnián huì 忘年会
2 为了 wèile ~のために
3 辛苦劳累 xīnkǔ láolèi 苦労
4 付之东流 fù zhī dōng liú 水に流す、パーッと忘れる
5 亲戚 qīnqi
6 一番 yìfān ひとしきり
7 送旧迎新 sòngjiù yíngxīn 旧年を送り、新年を迎える
8 不可缺少 bùkě quēshǎo 欠かせない
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